Saturday, January 30, 2010

Natural Gas Symptoms Any Easy Natural Cure For IBS?

Any easy natural cure for IBS? - natural gas symptoms

Can someone) to me the simple and natural cure for IBS (irritable bowel syndrome. My worst symptoms are constipation, stomach pain, gas, bloating intestines. I have IBS medicine, body cleansing, purification of Candida, diet change, etc.., But nothing works. Any recommendation please?


Poo Bear said...

I have IBS and I have a castor oil, cleaning one weekend a month and have much less problems for three weeks. Begin by creating two bisacodyl suppositories and drinking four ounces of castor oil. Within an hour I have colored stools. Volume Six Dulcolax tablets. Be sure to drink at least 8 to 10 liters of water or more than an hour while doing so. This process continues until this comes out is clear. If you eat it with a slightly a few days and yogurt are a good plants in your system. I know many people will disagree with that, but it works very well for me. People always fear what has not yet been tested or not standard practice!

Poo Bear said...

I have IBS and I have a castor oil, cleaning one weekend a month and have much less problems for three weeks. Begin by creating two bisacodyl suppositories and drinking four ounces of castor oil. Within an hour I have colored stools. Volume Six Dulcolax tablets. Be sure to drink at least 8 to 10 liters of water or more than an hour while doing so. This process continues until this comes out is clear. If you eat it with a slightly a few days and yogurt are a good plants in your system. I know many people will disagree with that, but it works very well for me. People always fear what has not yet been tested or not standard practice!

bettyboo... said...

probiotic yogurt.

N2JESUS said...

Stress med worked for me and biofeedback. Learn to "relax"

chelseam... said...

I had this problem for my son. I started to put 2 tablespoons of flaxseed in my cereal every day, you can find in health food stores. Also I train almost every day, drink a lot of tea and licorice root help

Gayne D said...

Increased fluid intake should contribute to constipation. Keep track of how many drinks you consume per day. I also heard that with a little lemon water jiuce uncle sometimes helps constipation.

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